Friday, 30 March 2018

To His Coy Mistress By Andrew Marvell


The poem is like an Ode. It is addressed to poet’s beloved. By the title it is clear that the lady is very beautiful woman and she is conscious of it. She pretends to be modest in presence of people. There is a satire on her. She perhaps wants to create sensation by attracting people. The same attitude she also maintains to her lover. Her beauty is for her lover. She has no benefits if she keeps distance from him. If they have time coyness can be approved. They can talk fr long time or they can advise hoe to walk even he would Praise for a long time.
The poet tells her that she can go to the Ganges and find Rubies. He would represent people’s complaint in the parliament as he was the MP of Humber England. Both of them have different attitude. There’s long time gone that he loved her. If she doesn’t come forward centuries would pass but people don’t live for centuries. His vegetable love grows. It means it is slow but evergreen. It is beyond and boundary of kingdom. His love is a great and deep as her love. This argument of the poet to explain her importantance of time is very short for us he says

“But at my back I always hears
Time’s winged chariot hurrying nears’’

Our life is passing quickly. Death is always following us. We can hear its steps. We would die and be in the grave. For lovers the case is same. Their grave can be near. No doubt grave is a fine and private Place but /lovers will not be able to meet. So what’s the use of it? Our body will be eaten by worms. Finally there will be dust of it. For all this the lover tells that she should leave coyness and love each other. for such a beautiful thing they can roll the world into a ball and roll over the universe so that their sweetness can be everywhere.

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