Tuesday, 30 January 2018

                                   Image result for white tiger by aravind adiga

The White Tiger is Booker prize winning novel by Aravind Adiga. This book deals various IMPORTANT aspects of India like education, religion, election, democracy, entrepreneurship and police yet, in sarcastic way. There is deep sarcasm on Indian caste system and master slave relation; all these aspects are interwoven in series of the letter addressed to Chinese premier Wen Jiabo in which he tells his journey from driver how he became a successful entrepreneur.

Below given Points are discussed as a part of my classroom activity

📍How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger?

Well, every coin has two sides and just like that every nation has two sides one presents lightness and another represents darkness. What Aravind Adiga has done is, he unveiled the dark side of India. India is known for its culture, religion, different languages, and festivals and yes of course most importantly our Indian literature. The protagonist Balaram halwai is mouthpiece of writer, through his perspective the India is presented. Balaram is servant, driver and murderer who called himself half baked India then how come he became reliable. Whatever he narrates is the narration by his own experience of life and his journey from driver to entrepreneur. If teacher asks students to draw flower pot then every student will draw differently. Yes I do agree that India represented in the novel is one side of India but there another good side also, nation can’t be narrated through perspective of one half baked Indian.

📍Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'?
No, I do not agree with this point. Balram took easy and wrong way out to become rich but let me remind you that his main intention was to get free from servant hood. Not every rich person is like Balaram, some may became successful with their hard work. Here Balram Halwai represents those people who spilled someone’s blood in their way to top. We can’t relate this point with those successful people who came first with their toil.

📍"Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique, deconstructive criticism aims to show that any text inevitably undermines its own claims to have a determinate meaning, and licences the reader to produce his own meanings out of it by an activity of semantic 'freeplay' (Derrida, 1978, in Lodge, 1988, p. 108). Is it possible to do deconstructive reading of The White Tiger? How?

If you know the song from rockstar movie

à€œो à€­ी à€®ैं à€•à€¹à€šा à€šाà€¹ूं

à€¬à€°्à€¬ाà€Š à€•à€°े à€…à€²्à€«़ाà€œ़ à€®ेà€°े

Whatever I want to say; my word destroys it. Every text has that on lose point. In this present novel Balram called himself a half-baked Indian and this one sentence is able to make this novel scatter on its own narration of India.

Is it possible to read The White Tiger in context of Globalisation?
yes we do find globalization in this novel, Aravind Adiga’s debut novelThe White Tiger dramatizes the modern phases of globalization. The novel studies the contrast between India's rise as a modern global economy and the main character comes from the rural poor.

Works Cited

Thesongpedia. <https://thesongpedia.com/jo-bhi-mainrockstar/>.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

wordsworth's preface to lyrical Ballad

Short Learning Videos on Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical Ballads; to listen videos visit this blog
1 ) It's about technique of writing, which makes difference between these two terms. when we talk about classicism they considered as the ruling guiding principles.they believe in intellect and restrain. where as romanticism did not believe in any kind of restrain, they believe in freedom.Imagination is guiding principle.

2) Wordsworth say what is poet rather than who is poet,he is man speaking to man, he is like any other human being but he differs from them in degree,for example he is endowed with more lively sensibility .everybody has sensibilities but he is endowed in more lively sensibility, he has more enthusiasms,he has more tenderness.

3) poetic diction means choice of words, and according to Wordsworth poetic diction means a language as really used by men. a language which is spoken by an ordinary man."Micheal " is best example to proof his point right.

4) definition of poetry which was given by Wordsworth is something like this - Poetry is finer spirit of all knowledge which teaches moral lesson with feelings

5) daffodils it poem by wordsworth, which has four stanzas; first three in past and last in present. In first three stanza there is spontaneous overflow of feeling and and in last stanza poet recollects the memory during lining on couch,where we remembered his last line of definition "recollect it tranquility."

Hamlet movie review

This blog is part of my classroom activity, here i'm sharing my views regarding Hamlet movie; if you are intrested in watching this movie then click here


1) Movie is faithful to the original play because dialogues are from real text and all scenes are there in the movie. Movie combined all scene and because this movie is very long. Though it is a movie so setting is different, movie has Victorian setting. Young fortinbras also have shown in beginning in costume it is Victorian setting.

2) After watching the movie we don’t feel pity toward hamlet and my perception toward Ophelia also changed after watching this movie .in the movie Ophelia’s character is portrayed very strong, Gertrude character also different in the movie because she seems to be happy in her new life with Claudius.

3) Yes I feel ‘aesthetic delight’ when hamlet was pretending as if he is mad.

4) Yes I feel catharsis when Ophelia gone made. In her obedience towards her father and love for hamlet she gets nothing in return .her father was using her as means and hamlet rejected her by saying that he don’t love her .it seems that she has not her own existence.

5) Yes movie helps us to understand the play in a better way. Visual play vital role to understand any movie which is based on the play.

6) The movement I would like to cherish lifetime is so when Fortinbras comes and seat on the throne. It says that revenge comes back with revenge .when Claudius kills father hamlet and comes on throne, Hamlet kills Claudius and takes the revenge of father’s death but he also died because leartes want to take revenge of his father and sisters death and he injures him with poisoned sword. At the end Fortinbras also wanted to take revenge of his father’s death but he found everyone is dead.

7) If I was the director I would keep settings as it is. And I would keep Gertrude’s character clear rather than complicated.

8) This signifies that when story starts Hamlets Empire was there but in the end it was destroyed by soldier and Fortinbras comes on throne which shows that now no one was there from his family to rule over the Denmark.

9) While studying the play through movie I found formalist approach more suitable because there was trap metaphor for example “I am too much in sun”.

10) I would like to apply psychological approach here because Hamlet was a man of thinking, he was always in a state of ‘To be or not to be’. Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it.

Dr. Faustus: A Play by Christopher Marlowe

This blog is part of my classroom activity and points which i have presented here are given in the response of 👉this blog


1. In the end of the play we can see lucifer with large long wings and we can suspect that by expresion of his face we can suspect that his devilish desire was fullfield by tragic end of Dr.fautus. this image shows us victory of evil.

2. God was not present in the play physically but we can fill the presence of god in good angel and good angel says to fautus that “sweet fautus leave that execrable art”.
“sweet faustus think of heaven and heavenly things”. 'faustus,repent;yet god will pity thee'. When old man argees faustus to repend and to ask god for mercy, evil angel attacks the old man but good angel protect the old man this is how i can say that god is present in good angel

3. we found icarus complex in Dr. Fautus. Faustus can be linked to icarus,whose insatiable ambition was the source of his misery and the cause of his end.faustus was facinated wuth his power which became the reason of his fall.

movie review: Robinson crusoe

This blog is part of my classroom activity and here with help postcolonial telescope i'm reviewing this movie directed by Rod Hardy (as Rodney K. Hardy), George Miller


1.Cannibals signifies the differences between culture. Cannibals are sarcasm on uncivilized people by Defoe in one or other way.

2. yes,we could find colonialism in Robinson Crusoe.Britisher's had habit of writing dairy and they also got the power of publication.They were also powerful in maths,because Crusoe made a death trap and also documenting everything that is how we can say that roots of colonization are recited in this novel.

3. Yes, we clearly found master slave relationship in Robinson Crusoe, when that seen comes that Robinson taught first word 'Master' to Friday, we can say that how White man believed to black man.In the film he telling Friday that he is his friend but in actual he treats him like servant.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018


Aristotle's poetics
This blog is part of my classroom activity

1  I do not agree with Plato's theory because  every artist should have freedom of  writing
2  Othello is tragedy by Shakespeare it also follows Aristotelian concept of Hamartia. Aristotle thought the hero ought to be 'good or bad' it means he should be person like ourselves and his suffering or death should be caused by his own fault and othello also met with his tragic end because of his own fault . he was man of action without thinking
3  Shakespearo's  hamlet is such character.he is good , kind,thoughtful, gentle and cultivated all the  characteristic that a hero should have but his own 'Hamartia' a fault, he should have but of 'to be and not to be' and this is his weakness which in end cause his death and that of several others.
4  Othello and hamlet are not following Aristotelian theory because there death of main character in the end.
5  Oedipus,Othello, and hamlet are such characters which follows the unities of Aristotle but in these tragedies plot is much more follows the necessary rules. 

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Education and Technology

Teaching and learning norms are totally changed in today's time, in traditional school where instruction to students which are instruction today also; seat , do not talk, finger on your lips, pay attention and listen carefully.But learning started shifting from traditional to digital classroom. now  students are learning which suits their own interest from any corner of the world. here are some speakers who speaks in favor of self paced  learning and use of technology  in it. to see their videos click here

📍Ken Robinson:

Ken Robinson talks about changing paradigms of education system; how parents and teacher are focusing on two major aspects that are Economic and culture, he also discussed about ADHD disease, it is believed that those students who do not pay attention in class  are probably suffering from this disease but the fact is That they are multitaskers. He focuses on divergent thinking; divergent thinking leads to creativity.

📍Sugata Mitra:

Sugata Mitra talks about future of learning and self paced learning. He tried other way out for those poor children form slum areas, who cannot afford learning at school. He put computer in wall and allowed self paced learning and surprisingly students learnt how to operate computer without any guidance or knowledge of English language with the help of SOLE. Old school system is out dated. He dreamed a school of cloud and he wishes that every child have computer and can learn on their own.

📍Salaman Khan/Khan academy:

Khan academy is known for its collection of video, focuses on self pace learning, using technology to humanize the classroom. Anyone can become mentor or tutor. With the help of dashboard one can easily login and can become tutor. Most beautiful thing is that it gives point and badges at every passing level which also gives encouragement to students.

📍Mark Prensky:

Today’s students thinking patterns have changed. Students of today’s time can be considered as digital natives and rest of the others who were not born in digital era can be considered as digital immigrants can’t learn by watching T.V or music, they think that language should not have fun. While digital natives think differently, their daily life revolves around digital tools and apps. Digital immigrants have to get adjust with present time.

📍David crystal:

Literacy is important and it can become powerful by practice of reading and writing. In a time of GMAIL, WAHTSAPP and FACEBOOK  fast texting is important. By texting you can practice reading and writing. Recent research demonstrates that more you text the better your literacy goes.

Technology always has influence on language. David crystal takes us into past. Invention of printing press and telephones and broadcasting all these things introduced to new varieties of language in quite specific ways. Text messaging and twitter brought new abbreviation and these new abbreviations would change language.

Teacher are generation older than  students, globalization of English is another reason for the change in English, there are different English because of different accent like African, Indian and so that job as a  language teacher is very much complex. But at a same time job became easier with the help of internet. You can search and learn by listening audio and analyze accent used by non English people in English. So if you supposed to teach African literature than you can do it.

Friday, 12 January 2018

One Night @ the call center

Image result for one night at call center

Hello readers, this blog is part of my classroom activity and points which i have presented here are totally based on my point of view, so don't get bothered and enjoy reading😊

📌Social realism

Chentan Bhagat is young popular writer of contemporary India. Most of his novel deals with the problem of youth. Characters of his stories are of young age, coming from middle class. His novel not only talks about youth; but within his the novel we find social realism too. Each character has individual potential in this present novel. Vroom is talented young man who is not happy with his job, who bitterly criticizing the idea of call centers but for his need of money he has to work in call center. Through Esha’s character writer presents the issue of casting couch, which we can find in film industry as well as in modeling world. Priyanka’s mom resembles those parents who possess control over their children’s life and Bakshi represents corruption in corporate world.

📌Effect of globalization

We find effect of globalization in on@tcc(one night @ the call center). These six characters (shyam, Vroo, Radhika, Esha and priyanka) are working in call center. Outsourcing plays essential role in globalization, which promotes multiculturalism and telecommunication. In this novel characters are dealing with foreign customers.

📌On@tcc and Life of Pi

Novel has quite interesting narrative technique. Novel has prologue and epilogue. There is small activity in prologue. Narrative technique of on@tcc and life of pi by Yan Martel is much similar. In both the novel narrator is one of character in story; who narrates the story in front of writer. In on@tcc there is a Phone call from god and in Life of pi there is a boy all alone on a live boat passed so many days with the tiger in middle of the Pacific Ocean. In both of the story writer is in confusion whether to believe the story or not. 

"Maturity doesn’t come with age; it comes with experience." 

Pi experiences presence of god during his survival in ocean and develops his faith in god. But there is deconstruction of his faith also. When there is idea other character deconstructs that idea. his faith in religion was tested many times. his parents presents two different binary. His father tells to believe in science while his mother tells that science can tell us what is outside but can not tell what is going on inside. In on@tcc all six character believes in God's call, well obviously 21st century reader would expect them to doubt or question rather than easily believing in that Phone Call; while in Life of Pi, whenever he was introduced to a new religion he questioned it,his faith on religion, on God was tasted .God never came to help him, it was tiger that saved him, who kept him aware at every second which he spent on boat, with the help of his mental presence and ability; he was able to keep himself safe from tiger. Life of pi has some endless debate and deep philosophy which makes it permanent piece of literature. Though both are popular literature but On@tcc lacks the literariness and deep philosophy which life of pi has in it.

📌Popular literature

on@tcc can be considered as popular literature because it does not have proper plot structure, there is plot between love and break up-love of Shaym and priyanka. It does not have that deep philosophy about life. And character blindly believing in god’s call. You do not require intellectual understanding or analysis of characters after reading it.

📌Self help book 

Self help book is one that is written to instruct reader to solve their personal problems. There are few factors which makes this novel self help book:

That small activity in prologue in which writer asks to write down three things: fear, angry, dislike.

God’s message: Intelligence, Imagination, Self-Confidence and Failure. Remember reverse gear and be friendly with problems, Epilogue: We all have dark side - the weakness which we always overlook rather than facing it, Epilogue: Just like life. Rational or not, it just gets better with God in it 


This novel can be consider as anti American novel, there are some textual dialogue which make this book anti American: 

God: “Americans may have many things, but they are not the happiest people on earth by any stretch. Any country obsessed with war can’t be happy”.

Vroom: “Meanwhile bad bosses and stupid Americans suck the life blood out of our country’s most productive generation”

Instructor: “a thirty-five-year-old American’s brain and IQ is the same as a ten-years-old Indian’s brain. This will help you understand your clients. You need to be as patient as you are when dealing with a child. Americans are dumb, just accept It”.

Vroom: “Our government doesn’t realize this, but Americans are using us. We are sacrificing an entire generation to service their call centers”


This novel can be categorized as cyberpunk because vroom hacks Bakshi's email and writes email to Esah on his behalf and blackmail bakshi and exhorted money from him to start new company with shyam , another reason is that the American's are terrorized with the help of bug in MS Office as virus attack on Internet.

Works Cited

Bhagat, chetan. one night @ the call center. Rupa & co., 2005.