Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Hamlet movie review

This blog is part of my classroom activity, here i'm sharing my views regarding Hamlet movie; if you are intrested in watching this movie then click here


1) Movie is faithful to the original play because dialogues are from real text and all scenes are there in the movie. Movie combined all scene and because this movie is very long. Though it is a movie so setting is different, movie has Victorian setting. Young fortinbras also have shown in beginning in costume it is Victorian setting.

2) After watching the movie we don’t feel pity toward hamlet and my perception toward Ophelia also changed after watching this movie .in the movie Ophelia’s character is portrayed very strong, Gertrude character also different in the movie because she seems to be happy in her new life with Claudius.

3) Yes I feel ‘aesthetic delight’ when hamlet was pretending as if he is mad.

4) Yes I feel catharsis when Ophelia gone made. In her obedience towards her father and love for hamlet she gets nothing in return .her father was using her as means and hamlet rejected her by saying that he don’t love her .it seems that she has not her own existence.

5) Yes movie helps us to understand the play in a better way. Visual play vital role to understand any movie which is based on the play.

6) The movement I would like to cherish lifetime is so when Fortinbras comes and seat on the throne. It says that revenge comes back with revenge .when Claudius kills father hamlet and comes on throne, Hamlet kills Claudius and takes the revenge of father’s death but he also died because leartes want to take revenge of his father and sisters death and he injures him with poisoned sword. At the end Fortinbras also wanted to take revenge of his father’s death but he found everyone is dead.

7) If I was the director I would keep settings as it is. And I would keep Gertrude’s character clear rather than complicated.

8) This signifies that when story starts Hamlets Empire was there but in the end it was destroyed by soldier and Fortinbras comes on throne which shows that now no one was there from his family to rule over the Denmark.

9) While studying the play through movie I found formalist approach more suitable because there was trap metaphor for example “I am too much in sun”.

10) I would like to apply psychological approach here because Hamlet was a man of thinking, he was always in a state of ‘To be or not to be’. Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it.

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