Wednesday, 24 January 2018

movie review: Robinson crusoe

This blog is part of my classroom activity and here with help postcolonial telescope i'm reviewing this movie directed by Rod Hardy (as Rodney K. Hardy), George Miller


1.Cannibals signifies the differences between culture. Cannibals are sarcasm on uncivilized people by Defoe in one or other way.

2. yes,we could find colonialism in Robinson Crusoe.Britisher's had habit of writing dairy and they also got the power of publication.They were also powerful in maths,because Crusoe made a death trap and also documenting everything that is how we can say that roots of colonization are recited in this novel.

3. Yes, we clearly found master slave relationship in Robinson Crusoe, when that seen comes that Robinson taught first word 'Master' to Friday, we can say that how White man believed to black man.In the film he telling Friday that he is his friend but in actual he treats him like servant.

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