Tuesday, 30 January 2018

                                   Image result for white tiger by aravind adiga

The White Tiger is Booker prize winning novel by Aravind Adiga. This book deals various IMPORTANT aspects of India like education, religion, election, democracy, entrepreneurship and police yet, in sarcastic way. There is deep sarcasm on Indian caste system and master slave relation; all these aspects are interwoven in series of the letter addressed to Chinese premier Wen Jiabo in which he tells his journey from driver how he became a successful entrepreneur.

Below given Points are discussed as a part of my classroom activity

📍How far do you agree with the India represented in the novel The White Tiger?

Well, every coin has two sides and just like that every nation has two sides one presents lightness and another represents darkness. What Aravind Adiga has done is, he unveiled the dark side of India. India is known for its culture, religion, different languages, and festivals and yes of course most importantly our Indian literature. The protagonist Balaram halwai is mouthpiece of writer, through his perspective the India is presented. Balaram is servant, driver and murderer who called himself half baked India then how come he became reliable. Whatever he narrates is the narration by his own experience of life and his journey from driver to entrepreneur. If teacher asks students to draw flower pot then every student will draw differently. Yes I do agree that India represented in the novel is one side of India but there another good side also, nation can’t be narrated through perspective of one half baked Indian.

📍Do you believe that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'rags to riches'?
No, I do not agree with this point. Balram took easy and wrong way out to become rich but let me remind you that his main intention was to get free from servant hood. Not every rich person is like Balaram, some may became successful with their hard work. Here Balram Halwai represents those people who spilled someone’s blood in their way to top. We can’t relate this point with those successful people who came first with their toil.

📍"Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique, deconstructive criticism aims to show that any text inevitably undermines its own claims to have a determinate meaning, and licences the reader to produce his own meanings out of it by an activity of semantic 'freeplay' (Derrida, 1978, in Lodge, 1988, p. 108). Is it possible to do deconstructive reading of The White Tiger? How?

If you know the song from rockstar movie

जो भी मैं कहना चाहूं

बर्बाद करे अल्फ़ाज़ मेरे

Whatever I want to say; my word destroys it. Every text has that on lose point. In this present novel Balram called himself a half-baked Indian and this one sentence is able to make this novel scatter on its own narration of India.

Is it possible to read The White Tiger in context of Globalisation?
yes we do find globalization in this novel, Aravind Adiga’s debut novelThe White Tiger dramatizes the modern phases of globalization. The novel studies the contrast between India's rise as a modern global economy and the main character comes from the rural poor.

Works Cited

Thesongpedia. <https://thesongpedia.com/jo-bhi-mainrockstar/>.

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